Neo Portfoy, which was founded by an experienced team in 2018, is an independent portfolio management company that specializes in securities, real estate, and venture capital investment funds, subject to the regulation and oversight of the Capital Markets Board of Turkey.

Neo Portfoy Securities Investment Funds are managed by a professional management team, pooling the investments of many individuals and institutions, offering the opportunity to invest in various financial instruments. These funds can invest in stocks, bonds, currencies, and a wide range of other financial instruments, allowing investors to diversify their savings and manage their risks more securely without being dependent on a single asset.

As Neo Portfoy, we provide services in diversifying investments, professional management, liquidity, and risk distribution with our 20 securities funds, totaling 19.1 billion Turkish Lira in size.

Neo Portfoy Real Estate Investment Funds primarily focus on medium and long-term rental income and opportunity properties, including student housing, industrial and logistics real estate investments, and distressed real estate assets. The goal in managing real estate investments at Neo Portfoy is to maximize returns as quickly as possible, whether through rental income and/or capital gains.

Neo Portfoy Venture Capital Investment Funds are focused on innovative business models that can create value through different strategies, tailored to investors' income and risk expectations.



Neo Portfoy is an independent and dynamic portfolio management company that combines the expertise of highly experienced fund managers with a track record of outstanding performance in their respective fields.

With teams managing real estate, venture capital, and various securities investment funds, Neo Portfoy offers products across all asset classes with varying risk and return profiles. What sets Neo Portfoy apart is its capacity for customized fund management tailored to the needs of investors, along with the creation of differentiated investment funds.

As we embark on a path towards achieving "high returns" for our investors in the medium and long term, transparency, confidentiality, and long-term relationship management are our unwavering values.